Friday, May 27, 2016

Needed Coincidence

 Every so often, I have experienced the unexpected turn or coincidence, such as when a song plays on the radio that resonates with what I am going through or a decision I have to make. For a long time, I have reflected on how to interpret those 'fitting' experiences which somehow enrich the meaning of one's experiences. It's easy to suggest that perhaps the coincidence was planted by a divine being, or suggests that the universe is 'rooting' for one's being and inner journey. But if this is the case, why is it that these coincidences often take place when we least expect it or know it's going to happen?
   Lately, I have had the impression that synchronicity and coincidence are not signs of the universe favoring one's spiritual journey. Rather, I think they are just byproducts of a sincere effort to balance oneself without expecting anything at all. I have observed in my own life that when I am really focused  on what is really my business (and not trying to do something to please others), I will find help in unexpected places. But when the unexpected turns into a 'goal', that turn itself just ruins the experience. Trying too hard to find meaning misses the point, which is to point to how all experiences are interconnected. It's the interconnection that's important, because once one has enough of those experiences, one will stop thinking there are separate beings to whom one appeals for one's own safety or security. I suppose that is the point where one really starts to trust the mind as the source of all experiences, rather than splitting the world into 'me' and 'not me'. But again, it seems best not to create doctrines around this kind of thing, but just to acknowledge situations as signs pointing to an interconnected universe.
     So what attitude is most fitting to receiving synchronous or coincidental experiences? I truly believe that these experiences can help a person refine their beliefs, by dissolving the hard boundaries between self and others. Others help us to reflect on who we are, and in fact everything is a reflection of everything else. But if I take this coincidence to be a sign of some special design, I am then starting to delude myself again: creating a 'me' that is separate from 'everything else', and then suggesting myself as the 'hero' (or antihero) of my own story. Perhaps another way of looking at it would be to say that there is no one helping and no one being helped. In any situation, we are just being given pointers from mind to mind. If one sees where it's pointing to, one will stop relying on the experience of the uncanny to validate or give meaning to one's life and experience. Then there is no regret, no turning back, and only pushing forward in simple faith.

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