We often balk at the complexity of life's everyday demands, and wish for a reprieve. Yet, the mind can be complicated at times, wanting to have more power, more interconnection (when the world is already connected to us in deep ways). We basically want the impossible sense of security of knowing what will happen to us and always being in control. But look at the sun in the sky, and it's there every single day. It would be a shame not to enjoy it and not to see it for its magnificence. If we turn to it in this way with a mind of awe, being inspired by it, we will be a little bit more peaceful.
Sometimes we can even tell ourselves "survival" stories; reminding ourselves of the many ways in which we have endured life's shares of scrapes and misadventures. Once when I was as early as 19 years old, a friend of mine told me, "think of all the things you have endured and survived these past years". Although 19 years is not a long time to live, there are certainly a lot of moments in there when we can absorb many learning lessons. Internalizing the sense of accomplishment of having survived as long as we have, in different circumstances, can be a wonderful resource to keep us resilient.
In times of stress, it's important to remind ourselves that we have survived so many things, even into past lives. And there is a part of our being that outlives all of it, that is already pure, whole and sane. Guess what it is? Look inside and you will find it, past the racing and clouding thoughts.
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