Monday, December 10, 2018

Savoring the Present, Seeing What Is

 One of the ways that I am finding it useful to savor the present moment is not to presume that I already know what it is. Have you ever thought about how labels can affect the way we look at even the simplest activities? At one time, lifting heavy blocks of wood was described as "just that", until later on there came a point where it was institutionalized as 'exercise' or "weight training", with the addition of knowledge of the body. But what about walking ? One can think of night walking as a kind of waste of time or, conversely as a refreshing way to get out of the house or away from the desk. How a person frames the things they do can be a way for them to see such things in totally new ways.
  If I see only the transitions from one event or experience to another, I will not be able to really enjoy the thing itself, because it is only a transition to another space. This is the importance of being able to respect the "in between moments" when one is not engaged in some task that has a deadline. Also, one must realize that life is short. Why not savor every minute one is in this world, rather than only focusing on the tasks that will always fall away eventually?

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