Thursday, November 22, 2018

Gratitude and "going forward"

  Looking at things from a spiritual lens can be a source of gratitude. When I am talking about gratitude here, I am not referring to a sentiment per se, but more like a state of appreciation where a person reflects that things are happening precisely because they need to unfold in the way they are: complex conditions are shaping the event, from the social structure to the language and other influences. But also, I believe that one can look at things from the point of view of general semantics. When I am understanding that the things I refer to are "not the territory" but are merely reference points, then I am no longer relying on my maps. I am suddenly awakened to the fact that there are no precise maps, and one must fundamentally rely on nothing but one's own being to navigate the difficulties that life throws in our way.
  Sometimes life is going forward into the unknown. How can a person really deal with that? They can start by realizing that every source of humiliation that the world throws at them is really the opportunity to see that there is not even a "self" to put down. After all, if I am still living even after humiliation, where did this "self" go? Who is the "self", after all, who is being humiliated? It's worthwhile to stop here and reflect on that, since people often define themselves in terms of their presumed achievements and accomplishments. One never realizes that even these achievements are relative: to someone who is a stranger from another country, your accomplishments are of not that much importance to them. So why cling to such accomplishments? Are they not only expedient means through which we stay connected in the world and contribute a small part in such a short time?
   Humiliation is also an opportunity to practice going on without relying on the approval of others. How I think others see me probably has nothing whatsoever to do with how they do see me. And even when they do see me in an unfavorable light, I am still here, fundamentally, and there is strength to be found in that realization if one has the ability to turn inwards and reflect deeply on it.

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