Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Finished Project

Today, I presented my video project to the class.  I definitely felt a sense of joy, not just for the fact that I "got through it" okay (without too much anxiety at least) but for the sharing of others' videos. I was so impressed with the level of skill that my classmates showed with respect to their video projects, and many felt not only very artistic but also extremely professional.
   One thing that I have learned from all of this is that everyone has something to contribute to the diversity of the classroom and everyone has a strength as well as a challenge. I would like to see more educational experiences like this one, where it's not about ranking people in terms of grades, but more about sharing strengths and challenges in a supportive space.  It's not often that I really feel this sense of people mutually regarding each other while being realistic about what could be improved or worked upon in the near future. Grading itself doesn't only need to be 'vertical' (as though along a hierarchy from 'best' to 'worst') but can be a more horizontal process where different factors are considered and weighed prior to assigning a final grade.
  In any case, I have linked my video below for sharing. Thank you for viewing it!

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