After the meditation today, we were shown a video where Master Sheng Yen discussed how to deal with stress. One point he mentioned that stuck out for me is navigating expectations from others vs self-expectations. I think the difference between the two is that when we have expectations on ourselves, we are able to not fool ourselves into thinking we are "pressured by others". As I understand from Master Sheng Yen, there is a difference between feeling pressed by the external deadlines and taking it upon oneself to do something to the best of one's ability. Whereas the first may seem like stress and pressure , the latter can be a kind of vow that I make for myself.
The way I think of this is that as long as I strive toward goals that I set for myself and maintain a realistic mindset (not making myself too mentally tense even when the work may be strenuous) then work becomes a source of enjoyment, rather than suffering, and it need not be drudgery. On the other hand, thinking "I have to do this or so and so will be on my case" is hardly a recipe for joy!! And in fact there is no such thing because at the end of the day we choose to feel pressures from outside or, conversely, turn them into responsibilities that we decide to willingly take on. This is a good personal reminder for when I am feeling some sense of pressure.
great self-reflection: changing perspective comes up at a good point of view would change the attitude towards life, both in the private and public