Blessing is usually thought to be something that comes from someone else, but I just learned recently that to be blessed is more like a decision that a person can make in this moment. Having an attitude of abundance really helps. I worry that there is "not enough work" to do, when in fact, there is always something as long as my mind opens up to the challenges around me. I have cultivated the habit of not saying no to a person's request at work--and especially, not giving it to someone else to work out or figure out. And what results from this is that more people come to me with questions, because they know that I do my best to answer them and I don't turn people away. This is about not only feeling blessed with a challenge but having the mindset of wanting to bless others in the process.
Scarcity mindset is thinking there is not enough of something: time, energy, stuff to do, purpose, meaning etc. But I think the antidote is to slow down and reflect that that there is always enough, because we are enough. I have enough because I feel I am enough, and with that mindset, I feel abundance in everything. On the other hand, if I always feel a deep void or an empty spot within, nothing I will do, consume or feel is going to cover up that void. The root problem is not checking in to feel that one is enough, and one does not need anything else to feel that they are "enough". This is the mindset of feeling already blessed without a sense of needing to strive for something more.