Sunday, June 5, 2022

Summer Beckons

  Why is the promise of summer like a kind of siren? I had to do work-related testing today, but just the sheer look of the summer sky made me feel as though being indoors were a kind of prison. I think that there is something so alluringly beautiful about the summer night. It's not simply the fact that the weather is nice, but that so much of summer is very metaphorically tied to feelings of warmth, safety and comfort in my life.

   Summer might also be a symbol of inner contentment. Somehow, seeing the sunset reminds me that life is transient, and yet there is always something in life for which we can be appreciative. Being part of nature is one of the gifts that we receive from it. The way I would describe it is that we feel a sense of belonging when we behold these simple joys, and that belonging does not depend on being popular, well liked or part of some fraternity or sorority. The sense of belonging I am talking about is more like a birthright.

   Summer reflects the mind that is eternally present. It does so in the simplest and subtlest ways.

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