Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Beyond Polemic and Polarity

 If I understand Ken Wilber's ideas and system overall, I would have to say something like: our states of mind are evolving. Ideas that are popular and useful to people come into being for a reason, based on a need to transcend a previous level of being that had proven inadequate. At the same time, ideas are precursors to even higher ideas. An example might be: although rationality came at a time when superstitions governed Western thinking, the limit of rationality is that it does not always embrace different perspectives. Logic can exclude key perspectives that count as truth, even though logic had functioned to debunk previous "dogma" as being too limiting and narrow. Thus one needs to go beyond even logic, even though this does not negate the function of logic.
  If I understand the principle,it is that, every idea that proves useful to people has both a potential (which is to be embraced) and a limit (to be transcended). If I anxiously cling to the potential of an idea, thinking that everything that is not that idea is dangerous or "other", I forget that there are simply more comprehensive ideas that can go beyond the current ideas and solutions. This is not "either/or" thinking, but rather the idea that something always lies in wait on the horizon: a more in depth way of seeing and being that is not captured in one's present mindset.
  Perhaps it helps to think that every idea has a before and an after: the "before" refers to what an idea was intended to integrate and replace; the "after" refers to what will eventually come along to address the limits of the current idea. No idea is ever the best or the most final, but it builds upon or transcends something that came before.
    This is not a dualistic, polarized thinking that valorizes one idea or says, "either you believe this or that". Rather,  every idea has its place and only its place in the scheme of things, and too much of one idea leads to a huge perspective diminishing or gap. This is why one needs to keep their mind open to ways of thinking that go beyond or step a little bit further down the road of the current ideas and mindset.

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