Thursday, May 21, 2020

Non Resistance

Non-resistance is, ironically, not something that one can just take up "by choice". This is because the principle of non-resistance is about not choosing at all. Ken Wilber has described something like: seeing everything around you as though it were a picture. You take everything in with a sense of equanimity, and nothing is rejected. Well, the picture metaphor might be extended to the idea that nothing in a picture is either ugly, disfigured or out of place. I don't even complain to say the artist "should have done this" or "should have excluded that", because I have this basic trust that the picture's elements all fall together and have their own essential and unique place. Even things we don't like during meditation have a basic good place, and there is a resting in that awareness, without trying to reject anything.
  I have found that this state doesn't just get turned on like a switch. It requires an attitude of surrendering to what is and inquiring always into its true nature. An honest surrendering does not try to ignore pain; it sees it for what it is and allows it to arise naturally. And it takes it all as something to be cherished. Even the slightest idealization or "thinking it would be nice if this were something else" is already far off this attitude of accepting the totality. There is already the thought of privileging one thing over the other, or one thought over the previous.

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