Thursday, May 23, 2019

Every day a new day

For those who can take things on and let them go in peace, every year is an auspicious year. For those who can sow with wisdom the seeds of blessings, every day is a good day.- Master Sheng Yen

This quote is a bit hard to unpack, so I think I will go in a different direction with it. I think that the quote is suggesting that the ability to let go as much as pick up makes for a life of ease. Why? I think of it like, every wave signifies the ups and downs of life: some days are going to be good, others not so good. If I am truly cognizant of the fact that there will be cycles and patterns of life, I will no longer try to attach an overarching meaning to the rhythms themselves. Perhaps the most apt analogy might be something like music or musical notes: clinging to one note means that one will lose the entire overarching melody or structure. When I am opening my heart to the whole song, I receive a much finer sense of how the notes work together to create a meaningful whole.
   Under this way of looking at things, there is truly nothing to hope for, but also very little to despair about. Every day is simply a new day, and there will be both blessing and pain. If I am always attaching to certain kinds of wishes, then the simple wisdom of everyday is lost, and I overstretch myself. If I am choosing to be present with the joy and the pain alike, then I am not picking one over the other. I become submissive to the moment, and allow myself to soak it in without needing to embellish or even create something from the elements themselves.

Sheng Yen, 108 Adages,

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