When I notice the many ways that even a simple, seemingly insignificant event can be written, my mind is full of marvel. Think about the many perspectives and selves that could be constructed when one enters the door of a house, a shopping mall or a temple; any private or public space, for that matter. The ways in which those entrances and exits can be framed are seemingly endless and proliferate in so many ways. So how can anything be exhausted? I feel that knowing and rethinking how self is framed in different ways is quite fascinating.
Selves don't just exist as biological or even sociological "givens" or markers. As I am learning in the poststructural course, these selves are written. In a sense, we can say that the combinations of how to write the self into the picture are quite vast. So why might people settle for one way? I think the essential view of the self blocks possibilities, and also prevents seeing diversity of possibilities.
To extend the writing analogy further: at what point does the writing part shut down? Writing in these parts still needs to be productive, for sure, in the sense that they need to interface relationships: working relationships, communities of learning and so on. But these writing of the selves enriches the communities by offering more than one possible way of connecting to community. It renders community an abundant source of trying out new ways of thinking about the self as a project.
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