Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Upside of Down

 Watching the movie The Upside tonight, a question lingered in my mind. At the beginning of the movie, Phillip is rejecting all the "outstanding" and very creative candidates to be his auxiliary support person, only to find that he accepts the one man who is most reluctant to take on this job, an ex convict named Dell. Why does he take this man over the others? What is it about Dell, with his crude humor and street smarts, that appeals to Phillip? Is it indeed because unconsciously, Phillip wants the man who is more likely not to resuscitate him. I think it's deeper than this, however.
  People are not entirely governed by reason or even by something that is planned. Sometimes it's the unplanned that is needed to wake someone out of a depression or another state of being that is akin to dying or a deep sleep. I think that when people have reached a low point in their lives, they are deep down inside looking for a way to wake up from it, even though they might not be aware of it. For this reason, one sympathizes: this kind of relationship between the two men thrives precisely because it is highly "unlikely".
    It also makes me believe that we are never alone in terms of the things that happen to us. Every living being has these fields of energy, and those fields naturally seek each other in ways that serve to heal imbalances. This is not a fully articulated theory, but I have been thinking about that uncanny sense in which things do fit together and there is a symbiotic relationship of events that is not planned.

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