I did not have any idea of a topic for my second assignment at school, and luckily....Avalokiteśvara helped me. I know that sounds a little bit crazy, but it was literally true. I found a very evocative and interesting image which I took years ago of Avalokiteśvara reflected through a store glass window with flowers, and I found this to be a perfect narrative to talk about the decentering effects and narratives of Poststructuralism. It made me realize that without Avalokiteśvara , I would not have literally any idea what to do for this assignment.
Something I learned today is that when reason fails, faith will kick in. What is faith, and how is it manifest? I am afraid that this question cannot be answered by me, because I think that a lot of times moments of grace (such as today's) convince me that I cannot figure things out on my own, and I need to get help some of the time from some beings. It doesn't mean that I need to be so dependent on help that I am always going to them even when I don't make any efforts, but it does mean that I need to make room in my inner life for beings that are simply more compassionate, wise and powerful than myself. When I am able to empty myself of the foolish idea that I am or could be in control of my life, that's when grace will be most available to show me something different. After all, this insistence that I am on my own to do everything is a veiled kind of pride. It is like saying to the world, "I don't need you...I can do this on my own!" when in fact, very few people in history have ever done things completely on their own.
Faith does not mean that one should wait for everything, but I believe that there is a time for waiting. Things don't always come together all at once, and sometimes even with one's best efforts, they don't happen at all.
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