Friday, December 7, 2018

Dream Like

 I just recently saw a facebook posting of a high school reunion event for my school. It's hard to believe, but in fact, it's been over 25 years since I had even entered my old school, and yet so much of my imagination and thinking seems to have originated in my thinking about it. Why high school, though? I think high school was the time when I first fell in love with ideas, starting with reading Freud's Interpretation of Dreams and then moving beyond that. What I gather is that what happens in a lifetime is often an inner shift or series of shifts, and part of what one is working out is a kind of harmonizing of different relationships and forces.
   I have no real desire to attend any reunion, because I see the whole life as a kind of dream. What things would I learn by attempting to go "back there" that would enrich the experience of what is happening now? In fact, everything is and always has been happening now. What has passed and is passing is only a series of reflections which illuminate some aspect of what is now, in this moment and always will be. The moments are only designed to awaken one to this moment in which all moments originate. So is there any "going back" to anywhere? Where does one think they are going, and what will be finalized through that connection? Dreams are only meeting other dreams.

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