Thursday, September 6, 2018

Seeing the Body's Moments

 There is a certain beauty to be found in just harmonizing with our bodies rather than seeing them as obstacles to meditation practice. Last night's meditation felt burdensome to me, and it was only in the second half of the sitting that I was able to create some movement in my abdomen to allow certain sensations of spaciousness to open up. Today, on the other hand, I felt much more relaxed, perhaps because I am getting closer to the end of the week. In any case, it's important to observe one's rhythms and go through them gracefully rather than trying to pathologize certain body states.
   I was once reading about a famous singer who complained of many ailments, leading one of her closest friends to eulogize, upon her passing, that she was never fully comfortable in her own skin. Is this a normal situation? I believe so, but as one of the meditation facilitators shared after sitting tonight, even "body" is a certain kind of habituated thought energy. My not feeling at home in the body could be the result of many different thought patterns, including the tendency to compare different bodily states, the tendency to prefer or to idealize one state over others, and so on. If I am not attaching to these bodily states, are they considered so bad or harmful? All of this really depends on one's attitude, especially if they are trying to make enemies with their conditions or are lovingly befriending their conditions.

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