I have been thinking about the spirituality of the Greek mythological tradition, particularly around the notions of hubris and respect for cosmic order. I have to say that it can be harsh reading some kinds of Greek mythology, because you feel as though you are in an action movie with all the violence and gore. But I think that there is a certain beauty in the idea that the world can be considered an expression of a natural order. When something goes in one direction, it needs to turn in the opposite direction, and indeed there is a certain beauty to this idea.
I am not sure whether Greek mythology could form the basis for a working adult spirituality, but somehow it does appeal to children and it seems to lay a groundwork for how children can made decisions ethically or even think about what a good life is, who is heroic and so on. I think it's also worthwhile for adults to definitely explore the kinds of stories that form a mythical backdrop, since the characters of mythical stories do often reflect forces or energies inside of a person. Exploring a particular theme or figure that resonates with a person can be most helpful, and it is something I am considering to do as well.
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