Thursday, August 30, 2018

Change as the only constant

 Change is the only constant, or so the cliche goes. I have been writing this blog since 2015, when I was consistently applying myself almost daily. I would like to believe that part of my rationale in doing this is that quite simply I am in my 40s, and I want to be able to chronicle the entire life of the 40 something person: his philosophy, his goals, and his ideas. I don't know how long I will sustain such a journey, but this chronicle should also reveal something about my trajectory of thought.
  Is there any idea that one ultimately "arrives" at that tells the entire truth? This is perhaps what I dreamed would happen when I was engaged in philosophy studies. I don't think that this is the way things go. I am inclined to suspect that the journey at my age is to consolidate what I know and understand that this too is in a state of continual flux. There is no "security" in knowing, only a letting go of the fear of disapproval by others.

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