Friday, June 15, 2018

again, decluttering

 I have been reflecting recently about how powerful the computer and Internet has been in creating all kinds of distractions. Overall, being distracted by the internet divides the mind, and does not allow for the calm that is needed to reflect, to step back and see things in perspective. Taking a break from the screen turns out to be an important factor in one's mental health, which should not be overlooked or ignored.
  What I most reflect about is how easy it is for the mind to get caught up in the emotional blurbs of news or news feeds. It's as though the mind were continuously engaged in taking sides by showing no end to human conflicts. The Internet seems to encourage the mind to jump from one opinion to the next, thus creating a kind of anxious craving to identify with one side or another. What would it be like to simply step back and realize that all conflict comes from the continuous movement and distractions of the mind? When the mind is clear and calm, are these "conflicts" or contradictions so heightened? Are they as real as one thinks when one is in an agitated state of mind?
   It is a very good idea to consider whether one is really in need to respond to information, or whether the information itself is simply designed to stir up the mind, and thus cause even more craving for information. Perhaps when one is less reactive toward what they are reading can one find a more clear way to reflect on what's happening in the world and how to interpret it. Such a way of being requires a lot of reflection on whether one is reading in a state of craving or reading in a state of wisdom.

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