Monday, November 20, 2017

What's Under My Nose

 There is such a treasure under my nose, if only I can see it. It's the world around me and below me, and the only thing I need to do is to find the calm of mind to be able to see it. Without moments to reflect, will we be able to savor what has always been ours to begin with, or are we still longing for something that is distant and not yet attained?
  Yesterday, I was stupid enough to sprain my foot after doing ankle rolls, and today I suffer the consequence of a sprained foot. More than anything, the inability to walk really fast today gave me a sense that I have these abilities which I take for granted, yet which are mine, after many years of experience. It pains me to realize that something as simple as walking can slip by me, as though it were a given rather than something that gives me great privileges in life. Of course, every so often, I will remember this, but do I really take long enough to reflect on it, and what it could mean?
 There is a time to strive for things, and there is also a time to just reflect on what is here. I think the two complement each other. Without the appreciation for what's there, striving would be quite pointless. Conversely, striving is the extension of a gratitude that I have for what I am able to attain, given my limitations and capabilities.

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