Thursday, November 16, 2017


 Spirit, I reflect, is something that has nothing to do with one's conditioning. It's simply the decision to get up, when one is covered in sand on a beach. The sand represents all of one's conditioning, and 'being covered' refers to the analogy of how we use sand to create shapes around our bodies and cover ourselves for a kind of false sense of protection. Without clinging to the sand itself, we would find it easy to just get up and see our real bodies for the way they are. The problem is that we mistaken the sand for the true form of ourselves, and we simply get caught up in its fragility, not realizing that it has nothing to do with ourselves.
   If we didn't take the drifting, passing sand to be our real being, we wouldn't be so worried about its fickleness and how its different shapes elude our grasp. Instead of fretting about sudden changes in fortune, we would be able to be with our present experience, and not worry about the sand crumbling around us. This is the deeper experience which is underneath the surface, the interconnection that we all have with each other. The challenge is not to 'get rid' of fragility, but to see beyond fragility.

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