Monday, September 4, 2017

Watching the Waves

Watching the waves just before the full moon on the lakeshore, I had a very hypnotic experience today, as though I were stepping out of time and suspended. Though I tried to record such a sound, I surely could never capture the experience in a million years. I think the experience is about something so magnificent and yet so primal that it's hard to pin down. What I can tell about it is that it opens me up to the wonders of the natural world. And it makes me realize, looking at the pictures I have, how easy it is to miss my life, when I am not allowing myself to open up to the experiences around me.
  I wish I could describe with some precision what this is about, but I can only think of it as the divine beauty that pervades nature. It's so easy to become distracted from it, by all the sounds of the city calling me back to the things to do, and so on. But maybe there is nothing to do at all, only to yield to the mysteries that life is holding for all beings. Can I give up my need to control my life and thoughts even for a moment, to consider this 'something more' that surrounds me?

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