Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Mystery as a Form of Compassion

Today, during the group meditation practice, I used huatou method in the most relaxed way possible: seeing every moment as an eternal question which can never quite be resolve through any thought. I felt a sense of wonder and calm around me which I cannot quite explain, and my body became very light. The people around me suddenly seemed to be fragile, and I dedicated that moment to helping all sentient beings see this beautiful mystery in daily life.
   Is mystery a form of compassion? Actually, the sentence is quite silly, but I thought I would try it out. I think that if we imagine a world where everything is already known and 'finished', we would see that mystery is the ultimate compassion. Without the sense of mystery and wonder, things would already be figured out and people would only be able to occupy fixed stations in life. Such a world would have no sense of creation or newness. In a sense, cultivation of mystery is perhaps the most compassionate gift, and many contemplative practices offer that gift of endless discovery: what is this world, who is this 'me' and am I in this body?

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