Saturday, February 18, 2017

YouTube Creations

  I found that the prospect of making YouTube videos goes through many different phases. The first emotion I had upon realizing that I am required to design YouTube videos for my course is one of 'shock' and horror. "Me", I think..." I hardly even know how to use a TV remote, let alone upload a file to YouTube". But once I forced myself to go through the process, I realized how strangely easy it is to upload videos on YouTube. The fact of the matter is that there is only one click of a button needed to upload videos, and then there it is, in a matter of two or three minutes.
   Of course, what happens next is the 'honeymoon phase', where I start to believe that any and everything I publish on YouTube has some magic in it. This is similar to the time when I received an electric typewriter when I was 16 years old, and marvelled at how the lovely font on the typewriter made everything I wrote look like a 'classic'. I suppose that the handsome font on the typewriter made up for my many years of poor penmanship, but nonetheless, I think I took my enthusiasm much too far.
   Now, I am starting to develop a bit more discernment, realizing that what I am doing is rather amateur compared to the wonderful stories and narratives that are out there in the YouTube world. This period of 'comparison' seems to follow any honeymoon phase. Think about the married couple who tries to compare the color of their curtains with those of their neighbours across the street. Is there any need to compare, for that matter? But such seems to be a natural tendency: as soon as a person gets over the fear of not having the capability to create something useful or meaningful using a certain medium, they no sooner start to evaluate themselves based on how they perceive others are doing! It seems like human beings just love to make themselves suffer, no matter what kinds of fortune besets them.
    What will be my future feeling with YouTube? Well, to be honest, I do believe that this medium has opened up a door for me, because I am suddenly realizing the implications of it. Not only am I capable of taking pictures and making videos, but now I have the ability to combine them and upload the result to one site. This encourages me to be a bit like a storyteller, who takes whatever he can find in the way of sound and images to create narratives. I think it's for sure very exciting, but I have to wonder for how long I will be able to creatively endure, considering the time that is consumed in making a video. I suppose time will tell how far I will go into this new creative venture.

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