Thursday, February 23, 2017

is even 'connection' somehow an empty concept?

I was doing a connections mapping exercise tonight for my media class, and the idea behind it is to find all the ways in which I am connected to others. As I was doing this exercise, I realized both the ‘reality’ of interconnection and its fundamental emptiness. For instance, there are so many ways in which we can be said be connected to others that the question becomes one of : how to narrow down one’s ideas regarding how they are connected? As soon as I define how ‘you’ relate to ‘me’, I am describing a kind of connection that seems hard-lined, but actually it is a kind of mental label which describes only one of many ways of seeing things and people.

I think it’s important to understand that even the concept of interconnection entails a grid-relationship which doesn’t necessarily actually exist anywhere. That is, what I consider to be ‘our’ relationship may look very different from your side, and vice versa. This whole exercise has lead me to wonder: could the very notion of being interconnected be a kind of oversimplification of sorts, designed to connect what might be deeply divergent in nature or opinion? I think the danger of being too glib about the idea of interconnection is that it might cast a false net over everything, not realizing that even the net is the product of one’s thinking which changes over time and perspectives.

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