Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Life a Dance

  I have been thinking lately that life is so much like a dance. It is so amazing how it works, its ups and downs. And tonight I feel grateful for the people I have encountered in my life. There is just such a great gratitude that beings can connect with me. I believe that over a course of many lifetimes, there will come a point where I can be skilful with all the beings. It won't happen in this lifetime for sure, but then I do see life as a kind of training process which, even in itself, is so magical and cosmic. Can you imagine, indeed, if the universe were just already perfected as soon as we opened our eyes? It wouldn't make sense, because for every perfection there is an assumption of imperfection. But if I am able to behold the different forces as part of a total dance, then there is no more perfection vs. imperfection. The pieces somehow fit together.
    I am also amazed that I have been able to do what I set out to do in these past couple of months: going to do a new degree in a program dedicated to Buddhist pastoral care, as well as maintaining my work life. And these things have a meaning, even if they don't lead to anything in particular. I think that as long as I get a deeper insight into the deeply conditioned nature of every moment, it need not matter whether this process I go through accomplishes anything. It is more a kind of meditation that allows me to see things as impermanent and always leading to some new and unexpected turns and twists.
    I think that the best way to embark on this journey of sorts is never to ignore the role and place of people and all sentient beings in general. It's helpful to take a moment to thank every sentient being, even those who have challenged me a lot. To see this dance of creation is so essentially important, and I hope others can also see their lives as a cosmic dance as well.

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