Saturday, December 16, 2023

More on Amitofuo

  In the Buddhist class today, we discussed the Pure Land and its various forms and aspects. I believe the central meaning of Pure Land is : the real Pure Land is beyond words, beyond thought--and even beyond location. Calling something a Pure Land is an expedient means that serves to help sentient beings to realize that Pure Land is the state of our minds when it is truly tranquil and when it has let go of all vexations.

   I am convinced that really understanding the Pure Land and Amitofuo requires a lifetime relationship with Buddhism. It cannot happen simply through recitation, no matter how sincere one is. This is because the chanting of Amitofuo points to something that is empty; it simply cannot be grasped. And so, in essence, we must keep reciting the name with sincerity on each word until we are taken to a place where there is simply nothing to grasp. It requires a kind of formlessness that is not capable of being grasped or understood in the traditional sense. To even associate it with some form is to confine awareness to a created or contrived principle. While these contrivances are necessary, we somehow need to keep going deeper into the recitation until we ask, "who is reciting the Buddha's name"? Who is the real "subject" (those who recite) and the chanted? Are they different, or one, or neither different nor one?  As confusing as this may seem to some, I am convinced that this is the way to understand Buddhism and its core essence.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Amitofuo as Raft of Life

Recently I reflect on Amitofuo as the kind of raft that is able to see past the sea of suffering that is out there. Pain, frustration, regret, anger. Reciting with a single focus and purpose can help a person to focus their minds and thus rise above these waves of pains, frustrations, regrets, anger. 

Fashi was saying in the class the other day that this method of reciting Amitofuo's name is easy to practice yet, hard to believe. I think this is because we are somehow accustomed to having to work hard to find the answers, and being deluded. In fact, we just have to remember that there is a being of light who is so compassionate as to be able to invite all the sentient beings of this world to the Pure Land, given sufficient faith. This is truly hard to believe, but I will try to make it a practice to at least listen to some chanting of Namo Amitofuo every night before bed. I will write some observations on how this is going for me.